News and things worth knowing

Achema 2024

Achema, trade fair, 2024, we are there!
Achema 2024

Visit us at ACHEMA 2024!

We are pleased to announce that Krahnen GmbH will be represented at ACHEMA 2024! This world-leading trade fair for the process industry will take place from June 10th to June 14th, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main and offers a unique platform for innovations and exchange with experts from all over the world.

Visit us in Hall 3.1, Stand B3 , and let yourself be inspired by our latest products and solutions. Our team is available for detailed discussions and individual advice.

Take the opportunity to get to know us personally and find out about the latest developments in the industry.
If you still need a ticket, please write to us!

We look forward to your visit and the exciting exchange at ACHEMA 2024!

Best regards,

Your team at Krahnen GmbH

April 2024
New Year - New Machines - Our Floor Cleaning Machines

Revolutionary floor cleaning machines: efficient, battery-operated and mobile!

We are pleased to introduce our latest generation of floor cleaning machines - an innovation that takes cleaning processes to a new level. All of our models are battery-powered and mobile to offer you maximum flexibility and efficiency.

Battery operated for maximum flexibility:

Our floor cleaning machines use advanced battery technology, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also ensures cordless cleaning. Forget annoying cables that restrict your freedom of movement - with our machines you are always flexible on the go.

Mobile and versatile:

Whether in office buildings, shopping centers or industrial halls - our machines are suitable for different floor coverings and offer you the freedom to move seamlessly between different areas. Their mobility and easy handling save you time and increase the efficiency of your cleaning processes.

Large ride-on machine for more performance:

For particularly large areas, we have a ride-on machine in our range. This powerful machine not only enables large areas to be cleaned quickly, but also offers a comfortable workplace for the operator. This makes even cleaning large areas a pleasant task.

Top quality and durability:

We attach great importance to quality and durability. Our floor cleaning machines are made from high-quality materials and undergo strict quality controls to ensure that they meet the high demands of our customers. With our machines, you are investing in long-term reliability.

Excellent customer service:

Our commitment to excellent customer service is paramount. Our knowledgeable team is always available to assist you with any questions, concerns, or maintenance requests. We strive to not only meet your expectations, but to exceed them.

Experience the future of floor cleaning with our innovative, battery-powered and mobile machines. Contact us today to learn more about our products and solutions. We look forward to helping you make your cleaning processes more efficient and sustainable!

April 2024
New Year - New Machines - Our Floor Cleaning Machines

Revolutionary floor cleaning machines: efficient, battery-operated and mobile!

We are pleased to introduce our latest generation of floor cleaning machines - an innovation that takes cleaning processes to a new level. All of our models are battery-powered and mobile to offer you maximum flexibility and efficiency.

Battery operated for maximum flexibility:

Our floor cleaning machines use advanced battery technology, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also ensures cordless cleaning. Forget annoying cables that restrict your freedom of movement - with our machines you are always flexible on the go.

Mobile and versatile:

Whether in office buildings, shopping centers or industrial halls - our machines are suitable for different floor coverings and offer you the freedom to move seamlessly between different areas. Their mobility and easy handling save you time and increase the efficiency of your cleaning processes.

Large ride-on machine for more performance:

For particularly large areas, we have a ride-on machine in our range. This powerful machine not only enables large areas to be cleaned quickly, but also offers a comfortable workplace for the operator. This makes even cleaning large areas a pleasant task.

Top quality and durability:

We attach great importance to quality and durability. Our floor cleaning machines are made from high-quality materials and undergo strict quality controls to ensure that they meet the high demands of our customers. With our machines, you are investing in long-term reliability.

Excellent customer service:

Our commitment to excellent customer service is paramount. Our knowledgeable team is always available to assist you with any questions, concerns, or maintenance requests. We strive to not only meet your expectations, but to exceed them.

Experience the future of floor cleaning with our innovative, battery-powered and mobile machines. Contact us today to learn more about our products and solutions. We look forward to helping you make your cleaning processes more efficient and sustainable!

February 2024
Explosion Protection Day 2023

Explosion Protection Day: Safety in focus at the TÜV Explosion Protection Fair

Explosion hazards are omnipresent in many industries and require the highest safety standards. The Technical Inspection Association, or TÜV for short, plays a crucial role in this. The TÜV Explosion Protection Fair will take place on October 18 and 19, a major event that presents the latest innovations and best practices in the field of explosion protection.

Why is explosion protection important?

Before we focus on the session, let us understand why explosion protection is so crucial. Explosion hazards can occur in many industrial sectors where flammable gases, vapors or dusts are present. When these substances come into contact with an ignition source, an explosion can have devastating effects on people, equipment and the environment. That is why it is of utmost importance to take proactive measures to prevent such disasters.

The role of TÜV in explosion protection.

TÜV is known worldwide for its expertise in technical safety. They play a critical role in explosion protection by checking the safety of plants and equipment and ensuring that they comply with strict regulations and safety standards. Their work helps to minimize the risk of explosions and ensure safety in industry.

Explosion Protection Day: What to expect?

The TÜV Explosion Protection Conference is an excellent opportunity for professionals and companies to learn about the latest developments in explosion protection. At the trade fair you will find:

Product exhibitions : Companies present innovative solutions and technologies that help prevent explosions.

Technical lectures and workshops : Experts share their knowledge of best practices, latest trends and research results in the field of explosion protection.

Networking opportunities : Meet like-minded people, make business contacts and exchange experiences.

Why should you participate?

Even if you don't work in industry, knowing about explosion protection can save lives. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and help promote safety in our world. Explosion protection affects us all, and by taking proactive measures we can help prevent accidents and disasters.

Explosion Protection Day and the TÜV Explosion Protection Fair are an important reminder of how critical safety is in industry. Join the event to learn more about protecting against explosive hazards and help create a safer work environment and a safer world. Your participation could make a difference. Enter your text here!

July 2023

Ecovadis, sustainability, cranes. Blog post

Last week we reached an important milestone at Krahnen GmbH: We submitted our documents to EcoVadis. EcoVadis is a respected platform that helps companies evaluate their sustainability performance. In this blog post we would like to give you an insight into why we chose EcoVadis and what importance this assessment has for us.

The EcoVadis assessment is an intensive process that takes a close look at our sustainability measures and practices. We have provided extensive information and data on our environmental impacts, social responsibilities and ethical business practices. Through this process, we receive valuable insights and recommendations that help us further develop our sustainability strategy and make it even more effective. Our goal is to continuously improve our performance and take responsibility towards the environment and society.

For us, the EcoVadis rating is not only a step towards sustainability, but also a confirmation of our commitment to responsibility and progress. The results of the rating will help us to set concrete goals and implement targeted measures to further optimize our sustainability practices. We firmly believe that sustainable business practices are a fundamental prerequisite for long-term success and a positive impact on our environment and society and we look forward to presenting our new award to you soon.

April 2023

Girls Day, Krahnen GmbH, Krahnen
Nice that you were there!

On this year's Girls' Day, the company Krahnen GmbH opened its doors to give schoolgirls the chance to get an insight into the world of technical professions. It was a great opportunity for the girls who wanted to discover and develop their talents and skills in this field.

At Krahnen's there were many exciting activities for the students. They visited different stations and areas where they could learn more about technology, purchasing, sales and manufacturing. In addition to the activities at the Krahnen company, the schoolgirls were able to take away their first impressions of a partner company. Mikus Interior GmbH gave all visitors an exciting insight into their business model.

The students were also shown the importance of teamwork and communication in technical projects.

The Krahnen staff were very engaging and supportive and were available to the students to answer questions and help them with their assignments. The students had the opportunity to talk to experienced experts and learn first-hand what it means to work in the technical industry.

The event provided a great opportunity to get young girls interested in technical careers and raise awareness of how important these careers are to the economy and society.

We are grateful that we were able to give the students the chance to explore their career options and develop their skills in the technical industry. We hope that in the future even more girls will use Girls' Day to discover their talents and passions.

April 2023
Business juniors visit Krahnen GmbH in Cologne

Business juniors visiting us

Last weekend we had the pleasure of welcoming the business juniors from the region for a company tour.

The participants of the factory tour were given an interesting insight into the production processes and technical processes of our company. The modern machines and systems, which are state-of-the-art, were particularly impressive. Employees clearly guided the participants through the various work steps and explained the technical challenges that have to be overcome when manufacturing machine components.

After the factory tour, the spring general meeting of the business juniors took place. Here the members had the opportunity to exchange information about current developments and projects and to develop ideas for the future together.

The event was a complete success and offered the participants valuable insights into the world of mechanical engineering. At the same time, the members of the business juniors had the opportunity to network and establish contacts with other entrepreneurs from the region.

Krahnen GmbH is proud to be part of the network of business juniors and to work to strengthen the regional economy. Cooperation and exchange within the network are invaluable and offer numerous opportunities for further development and networking.

We would like to thank the Wirtschaftsjunioren Leverkusen Rhein.-Berg. for your visit and look forward to further successful events and collaborations in the future.

March 2023
cranes in the United States

Krahnen North America Corp.

Krahnen USA KArte, Krahnen New York

Now the time has come, Krahnen is in the USA. Our goal is to supply other regions of the world with Krahnen products even faster. For this reason, Krahnen North America Corp was founded in Delaware. More than two years ago, the first thought processes and considerations about a Krahnen subsidiary in the USA began. But only a year ago, the Krahnen North America Corp. properly tackled. The dream of entering one of the most exciting international markets grew day by day. Now it is done.

Managing Director Guido Garnies simply explains the reason why Krahnen is expanding into the USA with regard to globalization: “Our business in Asia has developed well in recent years and requires further steps towards global orientation. One of the largest chemical and pharmaceutical markets in the world awaits us in the USA. As the market leader for mobile extraction technology in potentially explosive atmospheres, going to North America is not only a great opportunity, it also enables us to expand our market position. We would like to guarantee our customers in the USA even faster access to our products through on-site advice. There are potential acquisition candidates for us in the target market. In addition, we can simplify the entire export logistics of our company in the future."

With a seat in New York City, New York in the USA, there is a location outside of Germany for the first time in the history of Krahnen GmbH.

January 2023
Girls Day at Krahnen

KRAHNEN meets GirlsDay

KRAHNEN will take part in GirlsDay for the first time in 2023. We want to show our future that selling vacuum cleaners is much more than cleaning doorknobs! We bring you closer to explosion protection, cleaning technology and special extraction systems and show you our interesting everyday life.

Girls Day 2023, Krahnen GmbH, Krahnen, Girls Day
GirlsDay 2023

You don't have a precise professional orientation yet? Or do you think industrial vacuum cleaners in hazardous areas are boring and only for boys?

Visit us and let yourself be convinced of the opposite!

Thursday April 27, 2023
9 a.m. to 4 p.m

production and showroom
De Gasperi Str. 7
51469 Bergisch Gladbach

You can register via the GirlsDay 2023 page.

December 2022
Crane helps

Donations and Christmas campaign

Also this year we decided to help those who were not as lucky in life as some others. With numerous donations this year we support a lot of campaigns, forwarding companies and foundations, which hopefully could achieve a lot with the amounts received.

We donated to

international day of peace, world peace day, peace, bird, csr, free, pray, donate, charity, responsibility, business, building, action, change, climate, world, day, international, hands, holding, september, sign, kids, chidren, adult, family, earth, globe, planet, goals, unity, sustainable, save, dove, concept, background, hope, symbol, white, love, freedom, animal, peaceful, happy, celebration, humility, paper

With donations to the Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder e. V. (Elternhaus Uniklinik Köln) we achieve an improvement in the conditions (treatment, care, accommodation, support, schooling) in material and psychosocial terms.

Mainly we try with our donations to the German children's hospice association e. V. (Cologne-Ost) to support affected families who are facing a new life situation and the associated challenges.

The German Children's Cancer Foundation (Bonn), after consultation with our donations, helps people with cancer and their relatives to cope with this situation or time by providing information, enlightening and sharing experiences on subject-specific topics, but also organizing events and doing important work with sick people.

The donations to the Christoffel-Blindenmission Deutschland e. V., enable operations for blind people so that they can see again. The mission supports people with disabilities so that they can live independently. We donate to the Cologne-Dellbrück animal shelter to give a few other creatures a home and a good life.

Chalkboard action for Christmas

Blackboard and Krahnen, Krahnen donate, Krahnen donates, Krahnen donates food, Krahnen helps, Krahnen helps action, needy

At the end of the year, Christmas, the entire company and each employee prepared specially packaged food packages, which mostly contained products such as noodles, soups, various cans and snacks. We hand over these packages to the Bergisch Gladbach food bank and the Dellbrück food bank in Cologne.

In our opinion, everyone deserves a Christmas without being hungry.

So we hope this year that we were able to give some people a little joy in their situation and that they will experience a happy end of the year.

Aug 2022
New ERP system for optimized processes

Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland supports Krahnen GmbH with service modules

A separate system for purchasing. Another for accounting. Partly paper-based processes. And a warehouse management that is not yet fully digitized. It was clear to Krahnen GmbH that there was no consistent system support. When looking for the right merchandise management software, the manufacturer of industrial vacuum cleaners used the services of the Mittelstand Digital Zentrum Rheinland and developed a TARGET process via a process recording, in which the technical requirements for the new ERP system are clearly formulated.

It all started with a company consultation on the phone: Krahnen GmbH described problems and challenges and formulated goals and wishes. The digitization experts from the Mittelstand Digitale Zentrum Rheinland explained solution approaches and best practices from other companies as well as the methods with which the center supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in digitization.

Develop a common understanding of the process

"Then we recorded the entire company process," explains Martin Welsing, research associate at the WZL Aachen and AI trainer at the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland. During an on-site potential analysis, all process steps were recorded together with representatives of Krahnen GmbH, potentials were identified and visualized on a six meter long piece of paper. "In this phase, we consciously work with pen and paper," explains Welsing. "That promotes a common understanding of the process." Only then were the results plotted and digitized - as the basis for a second day of the workshop.

From the ACTUAL to the TARGET process

"After the ACTUAL process had been described in detail, the focus was on the TARGET process," Martin Welsing looks back. A work step that can be implemented particularly successfully if the preparatory work is right. "If I describe the problem precisely, the solution is no longer that difficult," says the digitization expert. "That's why we attach so much importance to a clear recording and description of the initial situation and problem situation."

Formulate requirements clearly

Together with those responsible and employees of the company, the team from Aachen looked for solutions for every potential: Where do interfaces between departments have to be created? How can more transparency be achieved? Which processes are to be automated? And how can personal knowledge be made accessible to everyone? At the end of two workshop days, the TARGET process was in place with all the requirements that Krahnen GmbH places on its future ERP system - and all the solutions that it expects.

The view from the outside

"With this basis, the company can acquire and integrate the merchandise management system that is optimally tailored to its needs," says Martin Welsing, who knows that many SMEs have problems describing the initial situation and requirements.

"Often, the outside perspective is missing. This is very helpful in order to "uncover" and optimize established workflows." This is support that Krahnen GmbH also greatly appreciates: "The support of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland was exactly what we needed to find a new inventory management system that meets our requirements."

April 2022
Clever minds work here - that's us!

"I'm an intern here, but my opinion is heard and valued."

Raphael is doing his technical college entrance qualification at the vocational college in Leverkusen. He does the one-year student internship, which he also completes at the same time, at the Krahnen GmbH plant. The company has locations in Bergisch Gladbach and Cologne and manufactures industrial vacuum cleaners.

Although they also have something of a vacuum cleaner like the ones we use at home, the vacuum cleaners from cranes are used in potentially explosive areas. So they don't suck up fluff and dust, but, for example, petrol, kerosene, acids or alkalis. The company therefore ensures that people in other companies can work safely at their workplace.

Raphael discovered and found the internship at Krahnen through friends. He has been there for six months now and is getting to know all sorts of commercial areas. We met him at Krahnen.

What do you particularly enjoy about your internship?

In fact, it is the work itself that I particularly enjoy. I learn a lot of new things and learn a lot about the world of work. I haven't had a lot of experience with that yet, so that helps me a lot. The team here is really great. You always support each other. I'm an intern here, but my opinion is heard and valued.

What does your working day at Krahnen look like?

I arrive in the morning, boot up my PC, check my e-mails, do general fixed tasks that I have and otherwise I talk to colleagues and see what needs to be done for the day. There's always something to do here.

Do you have fixed areas in which you work?

I'm changing departments in the company. Of course, it depends on what needs to be done and where. But I can also help shape it. If I say now, for example, that I don't want to go into purchasing at all, then that will be accepted here and I can support in the area where I would like to get involved and what I personally find exciting.

Have you done internships before?

Yes, I did various other internships in manual trades beforehand.

What worries you most when it comes to your own career choice?

Of course, what I will or would like to do professionally in the end. For a long time it was unclear to me where I wanted to go. It's still not entirely clear to me at the moment. The internship now also helps me to find out again whether I want to work in the commercial area or not.

Doing internships in different areas definitely helps me personally with this decision. For example, in eighth grade we had careers exploration, where we looked at different jobs. It also helps me to get information on the internet. I find information days at school helpful, where not just one job is presented, but where many jobs are presented and you can get more information from the companies you are interested in.

In your opinion, what should change in career orientation? What would make it easier for you to start your professional life?

Sometimes I find it difficult because many employers expect us young people to have a lot of experience that we simply don't have. And I think it would be so much easier if we could all be more honest with each other. If it is enough to send an "honest" CV as it is. I don't like it when I have to present my resume as if I'm the best at everything just so that it looks interesting and doesn't end up in the trash.
I would find it so much easier if employer expectations were a little more realistic given what I can bring to the table as a young person at my age.

Ever thought about it?

"I would find it so much easier if employer expectations were a little more realistic, given what I can bring to the table as a young person at my age."

What have you learned about working life during your internship so far?

Above all, dealing with the various colleagues. And, of course, what it's like and what it feels like to work eight hours a day. You don't have a single task, so you finish it at home like you do at school and then do the next task. You always have tasks that continue. In general, you just get to know how things work in working life on a daily basis.

Did anything surprise you? For example, is something different than you imagined?

Well, I didn't have any really clear ideas beforehand. However, I was definitely surprised that, as an intern, I am heard and valued in what I do. I am also entrusted with important tasks. I hadn't really expected that. It's like that here, I'm entrusted with these tasks, I can always ask questions, I can always freely say what I think and mean.

Do you already have an idea of what to do after your internship here?

Then it's on to school. My plan at the moment is to do the general Abitur after the Fachabi and then I'll think about whether I'll study or start an apprenticeship. That's not entirely clear to me yet.

How do you perceive the way the people here at Krahnen treat each other?

So it's always respectful. You can also have fun together. It's a very family environment. That is also very important to me. Of course, there are sometimes disagreements and then it's about representing one's own point of view, but that's quickly clarified among each other.

What advice would you give to other young people?

Career orientation and career choice is not always easy. I think it's important to find something that you enjoy and enjoy yourself. Because when you have a job that you don't enjoy, you spend a lot of your time doing something that annoys you.
I would also advise being open-minded towards colleagues, new tasks and other things that professional life entails. I also think it's important to develop social skills, otherwise you won't get any further personally. It is also helpful to learn to become more and more independent. Because in working life you can't always be taken by the hand.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I do a lot of sports in my free time. That's a good balance for me. Since I only have school two days a week at the moment and am at work three days, the homework is manageable and I have enough free time. I also find social contacts super important, i.e. spending time with my friends.

What are your working hours like during your internship?

I work at the company Monday to Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and I am at school on Thursday and Friday.

Are you also looking for a new challenge? Take a closer look at our jobs. Or send us an unsolicited application.

Are you a student, in the middle of your studies and would like to gain practical experience? Share your knowledge with us? Feel free to contact us!

March 2022
Camera instead of doorbell cleaning

Krahnen is retiring the vacuum cleaner representative, putting him two steps ahead of the competition in the corona pandemic

The Krahnen company from the Rheinisch-Bergisch district only sells its industrial vacuum cleaners digitally - from a modern studio. There you will find all current events and find out all the important information for your extraction systems.

It is the typical image that comes to mind when you think of a vacuum cleaner company: the friendly salesman who rings the doorbell to demonstrate his product and, ideally, sell it to someone. Vacuum cleaner companies are considered experts in unexpected home visits. "That's not us! We don't do that! We're completely different."

The family-run company Krahnen produces and sells vacuum cleaners – not the classic vacuum cleaner, but industrial vacuum cleaners, primarily for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. "The purely physical principle is still: I suck something up and put it somewhere – in other words, I get rid of dirt. But we do this for all kinds of problematic media. These can be acids or alkalis, they can be active ingredients in medications, they can be kerosene or petrol," they explain.

The vacuum cleaner salesman has had its day

For four years, the company has completely done without field sales. A vacuum cleaner company without a representative who travels around the country? Can that work? Krahnen says: "Yes! But the decision four years ago was not an easy one. You think to yourself: If I no longer have sales, I no longer have the heart of my company."

In the early days of the company, the owner Guido Garnies toured Germany in a station wagon with the prototype of his self-designed first explosion-proof floor cleaning machine to demonstrate his vacuum cleaner to the large chemical companies.

Nevertheless, together with operations manager Simon Alker, he switched sales completely to digital in 2018 - at the time when Corona was not yet known. Before the conversion, the Krahnen company had a whole sales team in the field, including a sales manager, who toured Germany and visited the companies - the classic door-to-door job. “When the sales manager left the company, we saw it as an opportunity. We said we'll do it differently now.

We no longer do on-site demonstrations. We can't do cold calling with large chemical companies anyway, because you can't get onto the factory premises without an appointment." In addition, it is difficult and expensive to drive a hundred products across Germany in a van. Hence the radical step at Krahnen: "We're doing it digitally now!" A risk for the company, but a logical step given Krahnen's standing on the market. "We have always been pioneers in the industry," Krahnen confirms.

Online presentation via Zoom and Co.

For his presentations, Krahnen has set up a large training center of over 100 square meters in Bergisch Gladbach-Refrath, where all Krahnen products are available as demonstration devices. The vacuum cleaner is demonstrated to the customer via Teams, Zoom, etc. and then they discuss together what is best. "When it comes to the disposal of problematic substances, everyone knows that you buy it from Krahnen."

Customers ask Krahnen about it, receive advice over the phone, send pictures of production or data sheets of the materials that need to be disposed of. “A factory fire brigade was a classic case recently. They have a container for hazardous substances and alkalis - there are a total of 35 different substances on the factory premises. And they have a corresponding pick-up container on which there is a defined place where our vacuum cleaner should go, which should then suck up the alkalis and acids. We then develop proposed solutions,” explains the operations manager.

The suggestions are then presented to the customer digitally: This works very well: "But you also have to reach out to the customer digitally, convey security and support them. This requires a certain tact." In its showroom in Refrath, the company has now set up a real studio with special microphones and a special camera to perfect the experience for the customer.

Benefiting from the pandemic

Before the Corona pandemic, it was sometimes necessary to use a little persuasion to convince customers who were used to seeing traditional salespeople on site to accept a digital presentation. "After the video presentation, they often said, 'Why don't you come by anyway?'"

And then the pandemic came. And the Krahnen company was prepared: With digitalization, the company had laid all the foundations early enough to continue to reach customers. Of course, the target markets also played into the company's hands: A pharmaceutical or chemical company could not simply be sent into lockdown, so the target group of the products remained. In addition, digital communication became established and with it came the approval of customers: "Home office has become normal and even my grandma can now use Teams.

Accordingly, our digital demonstrations are now very well received by customers!” The competition also recognizes this, says von Krahnen. Market competitors are now struggling with the problems that Krahnen solved four years ago with their digital operating channels. "They are now also oriented towards us and are becoming more digital."

The modern salesperson becomes a moderator
While the competition is working on digitization, Krahnen has now perfected it. This is changing the sales tasks of the employees: "The strengths of sales people in the classic sense are interacting with people and reading their reactions. Which is of course completely different with a camera. The focus is now much more on the product that we are presenting than on the human component of customer and salesperson."

That's why every employee at Krahnen - whether in sales, technology or accounting - is 'condemned' to vacuum the workshop once a month with a Krahnen vacuum cleaner: "Where do I put the hose, what do I do with the cable and the on/off switch is actually on the wrong side - you only notice many things when you use the device yourself."

This ultimately benefits the product or explanatory videos that Krahnen produces for dealers or end customers. "In the past, the classic demonstration worked like this: I hold my hand in front of the vacuum cleaner and it sucks up half of my sleeve. And the customer is immediately impressed by the power and wants the device! But I don't feel the power of the vacuum cleaner in an online presentation - instead, other aspects are now in focus, which the modern salesperson presents to the customer."

For example, how easy it is to disassemble a vacuum cleaner in order to clean it or where you can store quality documents on the device," it is explained. Safety is always Krahnen's top priority, because when it comes to explosive substances, human lives are at stake. If the vacuum cleaner is in use and questions arise, Krahnen continues to support its customers digitally via video conferences to provide support.

Support from the Smart Minds specialist initiative

The requirement profile at Krahnen has changed completely for its own employees – especially for employees in sales. The classic sales employee has had its day at Krahnen: "We need young people who grew up with digital media, who are tech-savvy and can interact with a camera," says the operations manager. Krahnen also benefits from the Smart Minds specialist campaign here.

Simon Alker emphasizes that the regional power of many small individuals can generate much more reach and attention: “As a medium-sized company, we are in competition with large, well-known companies when it comes to employee recruitment. The young people who are motivated often don't even know that Krahnen exists. Digital distribution like ours doesn't exist anywhere else. Of course, I also have to draw attention to this in order to reach potential young employees.”

February 2021
GL contact technical article

The specialist for contaminated industrial floors

With its industrial vacuum cleaners, Krahnen is the market leader for cleaning technology in explosion-proof areas!

As soon as you enter the production halls, the viewer notices the stainless steel products that gleam in the neon light. Cleanliness and purity are the top priority here.

KRAHNEN when it comes to safety!

This is not surprising – these are everyday issues on the agenda of Krahnen, the market leader for cleaning technology in areas at risk of explosions. For over 50 years, the Cologne-based company with a production facility in Bergisch Gladbach has been a reliable partner for customers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, petroleum and explosives industries. Over the last 25 years, the company has established itself as an extraction specialist for problematic media of all kinds, whether liquid, solid or gaseous. Krahnen customers benefit from the selected quality of highly complex components, all of which are produced in Germany, from comprehensive services and from globally recognized know-how. "It is not uncommon for our company boss Guido Garnies to be asked for particularly problematic solutions, such as cleaning toxically contaminated industrial floors," reports the operations manager. The busy company boss's extensive knowledge is not least due to his work in various European standardization committees. It almost goes without saying that I have the company audited and certified by various institutions in order to guarantee the customer the greatest possible security.

Above all, Krahnen's customers value the advantages of integrated, complete solutions from a single source, the reliability of the 35 employees and the comprehensive service, which guarantees customers comprehensive advice even after the purchase has been completed. Another integral part of the company philosophy is the longevity of the products. There are a number of Krahnen vacuum cleaners that have been reliably serving customers for more than 25 years. It is inevitable that one or two wearing parts will break down from time to time. No problem: Krahnen's well-stocked spare parts warehouse ensures that there are no unnecessary and therefore costly downtimes in the customer's production. Prompt delivery is a matter of course. Last but not least, the company's responsible employees attach great importance to sustainable communication with the customer. "Only through constant exchange with customers and the market can we successfully face the current challenges and offer 'best in class' products that guarantee high economic efficiency," says Krahnen, describing one of the recipes for success of the industrial vacuum cleaner specialist from the Rhineland.